Friday, November 2, 2012

Winning the Catch-Up Game!

Buongiorno amici e famiglie!

Festa felice! È il giorno di Tutti i Santi! (Translation: Happy Feast Day! It's All Saint's Day!)

In Italy, All Saint's day is a national holiday. As such, shops are closed, bars are closed, most people do not have work, and Italian students don't have class. As American students, all of us smick chicks have class. Luckily for us, Pascucci isn't closed all day, but it was closed this morning when Nia and I went to get our cappuccini and cornetti. It was really depressing. After religion class, we were both able to get our coffee, so all is right with the world.

Tonight, our friend Rachel is coming to visit us! She's staying for two days and we're super excited about it. She also has a blog ( if you want to check it out. We're planning on doing a few vlogs with her, so be looking out for those. It's going to be a fantastic weekend! We have so much planned! Hopefully, our internet won't give us too much trouble and they'll upload pretty easily, but we'll see.

Speaking of vlogs, we're all caught up! We were finally able to upload them to youtube! - Special Talents or Stnelat Liaceps - Lectures and Tours: Palestrina and Tivoli - AS Roma and Soccer Thoughts Roma, Roma, Roma: Singing at the Game! - Soccer Video Fails

We hope you enjoy them, because they (especially the last one) reach a new level of ridiculousness. We love making them and can't wait to have another filming session. We rarely edit videos, but the soccer  video just needed some editing; however, the parts that were cut were too funny not share!

Tanto Amore,


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